Minereum / Stats / My Address
Community: Telegram, Twitter, Bitcointalk Exchanges: HotBit, Minereum DEX, 🦄 Uniswap 🦄, 🐪 Bazarswap 🐪 🎲 Lucky Draw 🎲 Pot: 6 ETH
MY Address
My Address:N/A
Available Balance:MNE
Total Balance:MNE


 Staking Info
Current Period:Day
Current Period Reward:%
Your MNE Staking (Current):MNE
Your MNE Staking Reward (Current Est.):MNE
Your MNE Staking (Overall):MNE
Your MNE Staking Reward (Overall):MNE
Your MNE Staking Referral Bonus:MNE
Genesis Info
Is Genesis Address:
MNE Per Block:
Blocks Mined:
Blocks Remaining:
Genesis Address for Sale:
Genesis Address Price:ETH
Allow Destroy Address:
Allow Receive Genesis Transfers:
Decentralized MNE Trading Info
Is Normal Address:
Normal Address for Sale:
Normal Address Price:ETH
Fee Share Holder Info
Is Fee Share Holder:
Fee Share Holder Balance:%

NOTE, to upgrade make sure:

  • Level 3 One Time Activation Fee is 0.225 ETH + Gas fee. (Level 3: Mining starts & Transfers Allowed)
  • You are using a web3 browser such as Metamask (PC), Trust Wallet (Android), Coinbase Wallet (iOS/Android)
  • If the “CONNECT TO WEB3” is visible on the top of this page, make sure you connect using it and after that refresh the page.
  • Make sure your address is not set for sale. If it is, remove it from sale first before upgrading, otherwise the transaction will fail.
  • If you want to upgrade multiple addresses at the same time you can use the function “Upgrade Multiple Addresses” and paste your address(es) there. (Make sure you are connect to web3)
  • You can Upgrade directly to Level 3.
  • Level 2 One Time Activation Fee is 0.075 ETH + Gas fee. (Level 2: Mining starts)

Total ETH for you: ETH

Total ETH for you: ETH

Your Fee Share in this Address: %

Total ETH for you: ETH

Total ETH for you if you sell: ETH


  • Make sure your address is not set for Genesis DEX sale. If it is, remove it from sale first before upgrading, otherwise the transaction will fail and you may get wrong gas price estimation in your wallet.

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