Minereum / Stats / Minereum Lucky Draw
Community: Telegram, Twitter, Bitcointalk Exchanges: HotBit, Minereum DEX, 🦄 Uniswap 🦄, 🐪 Bazarswap 🐪 🎲 Lucky Draw 🎲 Pot: 6 ETH

Provavly Fair, Secure & Safe Random Number Generation 100% on-chain without the use of any oracles.

Provavly Fair, Secure & Safe Random Number Generation 100% on-chain without the use of any oracles.

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How it works:

👉 When users buy tickets, each ticket will be entitled to a random number between 0 and 10,000.

👉 After buying tickets, wait for 3 network confirmations and refresh the page to be able to play your tickets.

– You can verify how many confirmations you have in your transaction, see example here.

👉 The tickets are valid for 256 blocks (256 confirmations), make sure to play them before they expire.

👉 You will know immediately after playing if you unlocked the pot or not.

👉 The cost per ticket is 0.015 ETH

👉 If your number matches the System Number, the pot is unlocked and 80% of all the ETH go to you.

👉 You can participate as many times as you want.

To participate make sure:

👉 You are connected to this page via a web3 browser (Example: Metamask, Trust Wallet, Coinbase Wallet)

👉 Your address has at least 0.015 ETH PER TICKET

System Number:3223
Total Pot:ETH
Tickets Played:
Ticket(s) price: 0.015 ETH
Your Open Tickets to Play: 0.00 ETH

Check your transaction to see the result:

The Numbers Generated can be seen in the etherscan transaction page on the “Event Logs” tab, see example here.

If any of the numbers generated match the System Number, the transaction will be successful and you will get 80% of the ETH in the Total Pot instantly.

If the numbers generated in your transaction DO NOT match the System number, you will see a message in the etherscan “Event Logs” tab.

The Random Number Generation is totally decentralized and fair, the source code can be verified here. The random numbers are generated based on the blockhash of the second block after purchase. There is an interval of 3 blocks between buying a ticket and playing to be able to guarantee complete unpredictable randomness 100% on-chain.

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